30 mar. 2010

Gloria Estefan is Back with Another Noelle Book

Gloria Estefan and NoelleGloria Estefan and Noelle
This is news to me! Gloria Estefan wrote a book last year about her bulldog, Noelle. It’s entitled, “The Magically Mysterious Adventures of Noelle the Bulldog” and it looks *very* cute. Now, after the first book made the New York Times best selling list, Noelle is back again in a second book, “Noelle’s Treasure Tale: A New Magically Mysterious Adventure” and it looks equally as cute. I know my four-year old daughter would enjoy this and I would too. The illustrations by Michael Garland look both endearing and addictive.

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Singurul prieten absolut dezinteresat pe care omul il poate avea in aceasta lume egoista, singurul care nu-l va parasi niciodata, singurul care nu se va dovedi vreodata ingrat sau tradator, e cainele… El va saruta mana care nu are mancare de oferit, el va linge ranile si plagile cauzate de duritatea acestei lumi… Cand toti ceilalti prieteni pleaca, el ramane.
- George G Vest