20 apr. 2010

Hero Dogs: Incredible Act of Devotion & Loyalty

Merry and Pippin, two Golden Retreivers, remained by the side of their owner for three weeks after he died from exposure in the wilderness near his Colorado home... guarding him from wild animals and scavengers until a hunter found him and contacted authorities..

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Singurul prieten absolut dezinteresat pe care omul il poate avea in aceasta lume egoista, singurul care nu-l va parasi niciodata, singurul care nu se va dovedi vreodata ingrat sau tradator, e cainele… El va saruta mana care nu are mancare de oferit, el va linge ranile si plagile cauzate de duritatea acestei lumi… Cand toti ceilalti prieteni pleaca, el ramane.
- George G Vest