11 nov. 2010

Jessy - a dog seriously injured, almost dead (22.08.2010)

It was found in a pen, seriously hurt by other dogs, almost dying. Was deeply bitten all over the back and legs. Heavy bleeding. The shelter veterinary has not given any chance, He thought to euthanize her.
I was stubborn to care, The team of doctors from Vier Pfoten, to the end of their campaign of sterilization has helped a lot. The doctors have cleared well the deep wounds, they have treated intensively. After several days, we continued careful treatment. The wish of eating was strong all the time, her desire to live overcame pains and infection. Slowly, slowly, some wounds were also improved and was able to move more easily.

Excessive scared, she didn't let me touch her. Pretending that he wanted to bite me when treting. She became calmer in front of food goodies.Only in box and with gentle care attendant, Babsy began to leave comforted. I touched every day to understand the human hand, for the first time, made them better.
An Austrian girl-an angel-was impressed by her suffering and decided to adopt and provide care and love her.Look on Jessy, how is spoiled. All scared and frightened by other dogs, but with power to learn to behave in a totally different world from ours, with sensitive and loving people who respect life in all its forms.

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Singurul prieten absolut dezinteresat pe care omul il poate avea in aceasta lume egoista, singurul care nu-l va parasi niciodata, singurul care nu se va dovedi vreodata ingrat sau tradator, e cainele… El va saruta mana care nu are mancare de oferit, el va linge ranile si plagile cauzate de duritatea acestei lumi… Cand toti ceilalti prieteni pleaca, el ramane.
- George G Vest