30 mar. 2010

Animale prezidentiale - SPOT si BARNEY

Spot was no stranger to the White House. She was born there to Millie, the well-known dog of Bush's parents, former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, in 1989.
The friendly brown-and-white spaniel was regularly seen ambling around the West Wing and the South Lawn alongside the more energetic other Bush dog, Barney, a black 3-year-old Scottish terrier.
The two dogs were routinely brought out to greet the president upon his return to the White House from trips, no matter the hour, and often traveled with the Bushes to Texas or Camp David. Spot was always the more obedient, dutifully clambering onto a helicopter or Air Force One with no prompting while Bush often had to chase Barney down and hand him off to an aide to be carried aboard.
Mrs. Bush has often said that - especially with Bushes' two daughters off at college - talking about and playing with the dogs and the family's much more reclusive cat, Willy, make up a significant portion of the First Couple's entertainment. 
Barney (birth name Bernard), born September 30, 2000 in New Jersey, United States, who was often referred to as the "First Dog", is a Scottish Terrier owned by former U.S. President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush. Barney had his own official web page which redirected to an extension of the White House website.

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Singurul prieten absolut dezinteresat pe care omul il poate avea in aceasta lume egoista, singurul care nu-l va parasi niciodata, singurul care nu se va dovedi vreodata ingrat sau tradator, e cainele… El va saruta mana care nu are mancare de oferit, el va linge ranile si plagile cauzate de duritatea acestei lumi… Cand toti ceilalti prieteni pleaca, el ramane.
- George G Vest