23 sept. 2010

Every home needs a Harvey

The ad features a couple visiting a dogs' home to choose a dog to adopt. They see two conventionally lovable dogs using all their considerable charms to sell themselves before they encounter a less obviously cute dog called Harvey, who has a different, smarter approach: he's made a TV ad. Harvey then turns on a TV behind him which plays out an ad showcasing his amazing skills. The couple watch with increasing amazement as Harvey demonstrates why he's the best choice; he plays chess, does the school run, cooks, irons, cleans windows, and tucks children in for the night. Harvey's ad ends with the line 'Every home needs a Harvey'. The soundtrack to the ad is Bachman-Turner Overdrive's 1974 classic 'You ain't seen nothing yet'. Perfect for a bit of air guitar

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Singurul prieten absolut dezinteresat pe care omul il poate avea in aceasta lume egoista, singurul care nu-l va parasi niciodata, singurul care nu se va dovedi vreodata ingrat sau tradator, e cainele… El va saruta mana care nu are mancare de oferit, el va linge ranile si plagile cauzate de duritatea acestei lumi… Cand toti ceilalti prieteni pleaca, el ramane.
- George G Vest